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IMACBLOCK is excited to share its knowledge and experience with you, our valued customers, since 1989. Since the day it was founded, our company has an expert staff that produces Briquette-Parquet Machines and Equipments. ; In addition to producing briquette machine and machine spare parts, it produces parquet machine and spare parts.It provides 100% contribution to domestic production by producing many products such as mold-silo-bunker-automation-mixer for the systems needed by the sector.

Our Vission & Mission

Our vission is to focus on providing unconditional customer satisfaction in all products of IMACBLOCK. We believe that the continuous development and traininng of all employees is essential for the continuous improvement of their products and systems. Our goal is to achieve excellence in the art of concrete.

Our mission is to realize quality projects by keeping safety in the foreground, to follow the sectoral developments, to understand and respond to our customers’ needs and possible expectations as soon as possible, and to ensure continuity in customer satisfaction withour compromising the quality of workmanship.

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